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Our History

Our History

McAdam Home & Building Center Ltd. is an independent family-owned convenience hardware and building supply store. The owners Don and Rhonda Doherty purchased the assets of a General Store in 1986 from the Estate of W. Holly Lister. 

George T. Baskin

George T. Baskin

The business has been in operation on the same site since 1885 when George T. Baskin (pictured left) entrepreneur and politician operated a two and a half story general store.

Baskin had varied financial interests, including a share in the new Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. This hotel was to become a favorite summer resort for wealthy Canadians and New Englanders. He later bought stores in Penobsquis and St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Baskin also served on the York County Council as the representative for the Parish of McAdam. Baskin hired Charles Moffatt while Charles was still in high school. Moffatt had much to do with the store in McAdam, as well as St. Stephen.

News letter on Geo T Baskin

In a history of McAdam published in 1979 it was reported that "around 1890 there were 26 dwellings and two general stores. One of which was Baskin's. General stores carried a few patent medications , clothing, and hardware such as nails, axes, scythes, etc.., a few house hold items, lamps, lanterns, chimneys, wicks, pint dippers, water pails, pans, dyes for coloring cloth and yarn, some foot wear, rope, axe handles, a few shot gun shells, powder and shot, and other odds and ends that might be needed by the settler.

Up to 16 trains a day from Boston, Montreal, Halifax, and St. John passed through the village and Baskin's general store was conveniently located between two of the first railway stations. The Quebec and St. Andrews stations were just west and the European and North American stations were a little to the east of the first store. These stations were replaced with a new granite building further west in 1900 with an addition being added in 1904.

Fire in McAdam Article
Click here to view larger file and typed version

George Baskin's store in McAdam was consumed by fire on windy night on April 21st, 1904. The fire also consumed half of the village. The Saint Croix Courier of April 28th, 1904 reported in detail of the devastation. (Copy of article to the left) and at the time it would appear Moffatt was leasing the building and operating the business as Charles Moffat and Company. By the time of the fire, McAdam had grown from a small lumber camp in the first half of the 1800's to a major railroad junction for the Canadian Pacific Railroad which had taken over the two previous companies.

On May 5th, 1904 Baskin commenced to rebuild his store in McAdam with improvements, as reported by the St. Andrews Beacon.

Rebuilt store after fire

The rebuild two story store is shown third from the left. The street between the tracks and the buildings in the picture was the only one that existed in the early days of the community, and the railroad was the only way in and out of the village.

The second picture shows the interior of the store as it was then.

Inside The Store

On April 4th, 1907 Baskin sold the land and buildings to Charles A. Moffatt who operated the business until June 27th, 1908 when he ran into financial difficulties. No doubt the fire of 1904 and the rebuilding of the community further west had an impact on the viability of the business and his assets were assigned to J.W. Richardson to settle his debts. In September 1908 the land and buildings were transferred back to Charles Moffatt's wife, Louise.

James DeWitt Talmadge Lister

(Dewey Lister)

Louise Moffatt leased the store to James DeWitt (Dewey) Talmadge Lister on October 9th, 1908 for the sum of $300.00 per year payable in equal monthly installments of $75.00.

Sometime later Dewey Lister moved on to another career as a collector of customs in St Stephen, NB. By 1910 Louise Moffatt had sold the land and buildings to Robert A Robinson who then leased the premises to William Lister and Fred Embleton.

William Lister

(William Lister)

Fred Embleton

(Fred Embleton)

William Lister and Fred Embleton purchased the business from Robert A Robinson on January 16th, 1924. They operated the store under the name Lister and Embleton as a partnership. The map Below shows the store location as it was at the time of their purchase.

Old Map Of McAdam

The store is located in the center just above the number 4. The building to the right was where the fire of 1942 started and the larger building to the back left is the theatre that burned in June 1949.

William Lister died November 7th, 1927. His obituary was printed in The Daily Gleaner in Fredericton the next day, November 8th, 1927.

Fred Embleton purchased his half interest from William's widow on November 16th, 1927 and ran the business as a sole proprietorship under the name Lister and Embleton.

Obituary of William Lister
 W. Holly Lister

In 1942 Fred Embleton sold to W. Holly Lister. Shortly after purchasing the business it burned once again on January 8th, 1942 and again another building arose from the ashes.

Newsletter article on fire at McAdam

Over time things had changed in McAdam and the main business district had switched to the other side of the railway tracks. For some reason the store front continued to face the original street but probably due to better access, business was now conducted through the 'Back Door'. This may have been because it was closer to the warehouse and barn where stock was stored. This practice was still in existence when Don and Rhonda purchased the business.

The business had one other close call with fire on June 23rd, 1949 when the theatre next door burned. The pictures below show how close the two buildings were. Picture #1 shows the window to the store office. The main entrance ("back door") was just to the left.

Burning building 1
Burning Building 2
Burning Building 3
Burning Building 4
Newsletter article on the fire

Not Having undergone much change from 1942 until 1999, the business was converted from a general store to a hardware and building supply business in 2000.

McAdam Storefront


McAdam Storefront


The photo's to the left are before and after the renovations.

Below is a recent photo of what the store looks like now.

McAdam Storefront

A Grand Re-opening was help and a reunion of former employee's took place. The picture below still occupies a spot on our counters today in recognition of their service.

McAdam employees

Over the years the products offered have changed and the premises have been renovated and improved. A modern computerized point of sale and inventory control system was first implemented in 1988 and updated again in 2012.

What has not changed is the business philosophy in-grained from one generation to the next. We still believe in the old-time tradition of offering a high level of personalized service to our clientele while providing competitively priced products to meet their everyday needs.

While there is no stove to gather around like there were in the old general stores of yesterday, customers still like to visit, tell tall stories, and purchase the products they need in their everyday lives. We are happy to be here for them.

Newsletter article on fire at McAdam

McAdam Wiped Out by Fire. (Large Picture shown above ↑)

A large portion of McAdam Junction was wiped out by fire on Thursday afternoon. Greater destruction was threatened for a time and St. Stephen was preparing to send the steam fire engine and men to the scene when word came that the fire was under control.

The fire was first noticed in the post office building. The second story being occupied by Sherman Grass as a dwelling. Almost at the same time flames were seen issuing from the old Junction house, which is directly north of the post office.

It would appear from this that the old Junction house caught first as the wind was blowing almost directly on the post office. However, there is a difference of opinion as to

Where the Fire Started

The large two- and one-half story building, formerly owned by Geo, Baskin, and now occupied by Chas. Moffatt & co., caught next. This building and a large amount of their stock was burned. Also, the two- and one-half story Building owned by Mrs. John Boyd and occupied as a shop and Boarding house by Thos Robinson.

From this building the fire worked north to the double tenement house owned by the Saml. Watts Estate. Here the firemen put up a gallant fight to check the fire in this direction. The store and dwelling of Thos. Caughey is only about 15 feet from the Watts building and only by keeping the water constantly pouring onto the men who were fighting to save this building could they stay at their work.

The fire in the meantime was sweeping in an Easterly Direction and working towards the C.P.R. shops. Here the C.P.R. fire brigade put up a big fight to save the house of Jas. F Gardiner. C.P.R. policemen. And this checked the fire in the direction of the shops and works.

Considering the apparatus with which they had to work they did good service saving this building and many on the opposite side of the track. From the three-story building formerly known as the old royal hotel but lately occupied as a double tenement and meat shop. The fire swept back toward the main road burning everything in its way. Among the buildings were the Forester’s Hall and catholic church. The wind was blowing very hard at the time and the men experienced much trouble from the flames and smoke. The loss is placed at $25,000.

The following is a list of the Buildings Burned:

  • Post Office. Owned by Jas. W. Green.
  • Old Junction House. Owned by W. H. Meredith.
  • Old Station Building. Owned By C.P.R.
  • Dwelling. Owned by Samuel Watts.
  • Dwelling and Shop. Owned by Mrs. John Boyd.
  • Two Dwellings. Owned by W. H. Meredith.
  • Dwelling and Store. Owned by C. W. Moffat & Co.
  • Dwelling and Store. Owned by W. Lacey.
  • Dwelling od three tenements. Owned by Jas Gardiner.
  • Dwelling. Owned by Clifford Brownell.
  • Hall. Owned by independent order of Foresters.
  • St. Johns Roman Catholic Church.
  • Dwelling owned by John Timmoney
  • Two Dwellings. Owned by Mrs. John Boyd.

It does not seem like there was very much insurance. So far it can be reported there was $2,000 on the Moffat stock in the Anglo-American: $2,000 on the Junction house, of which the Manchester has one-half. $600 on the Roman Catholic church in the Royal. And $300 in the union on the post office. James Piercy had $100 insurance on his stock and $100 on his shop fixtures.

It is said that C.P.R employees living at the different boarding houses lost clothing and other personal effects.

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The Saint Croix Courier Newsletter
The Saint Croix Courier Newsletter
The Saint Croix Courier Newsletter

Take a look at the inside the store!

aisle 1
aisle 2
aisle 3
Garden supplies aisle
Garden tool aisle
aisle 6
aisle 7
aisle 8
paint aisle
color swatches
Power tools aisle
aisle 10
Paint aisle 11
Paint aisle 12
Power tools aisle
aisle 14
aisle 15
aisle 16
Electrical supplies
bathroom facilities
Bathroom supplies


Our vision is to be our customers’ first choice for advice and products when they want to have well maintained homes and gardens or enjoy their outdoor living activities.

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Our mission is to be the leader in our market area in convenience hardware, home improvement and outdoor living products. We will do this by creating value for our customers through knowledgeable friendly service, quality products and competitive prices.

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Integrity and Fairness

We will live up to our word and will honor our obligations to our customer’s, employees and vendors ensuring honesty and fairness is ever present in all our business dealings.


We will ensure our customers and employees are treated with respect at all times.


We commit to providing a safe environment for everyone who enters our business either as a customer, employee, vendor or visitor.

Quality and Innovation

Our goal is to offer a high quality productive business that keeps ahead of retail trends through innovation and technology. This is for the benefit of our customers and to ensure our community has continuous local access to the products and services they need. We strive for continuous improvement in everything we do and welcome input from the community we serve.


We work hard and smart and persistently tackle difficult situations and tasks until problems are solved or completed in an acceptable and satisfactory manner. Failure is not an option.

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Our Employees

Our Staff

Don and Rhonda Doherty:

Don and Rhonda are the owners.

They ensure everything runs smoothly

so that customers can enjoy their experience with us!

Don Doherty
Rhonda Doherty

Shannon Gardner:

Shannon handles our Garden Center.

She cares for our plants and ensures

they’re healthy and looking good!

Shannon Gardner

Ceirra Gardner:

Ceirra is our Social Media Marketing Assistant.

She keeps our Facebook page and website up to date providing

information that can help you!

Ceirra Gardner

Ethan McIntyre:

Ethan is a new employee at the store.

You can find him working cash, doing deliveries,

and so much more!

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Privacy Policy

Information we collect is used solely to serve you our customer. It is not shared or sold to third parties.

We may use the information we collect through the site to:

  •  Provide, administer and communicate with you about products, services, events and promotions (including by sending you newsletters, coupons and other marketing communications).
  • Process, record and track your purchases, payments and rebates.
  • Process, evaluate and respond to your requests, inquiries and applications.
  • Administer our Rewards Program, contests, sweepstakes and surveys.
  • Create, administer and communicate with you about your accounts.
  • Customize your experience with our Website.
  • Operate, evaluate and improve our business (including developing new products and services; managing our communications; performing market research, analyzing our products, services and Website; administering our Site; and performing accounting, auditing, billing, reconciliation and collection activities).
  • Protect against and prevent fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities, and manage risk exposure and quality.
  • Comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, industry standards and our policies and terms, such as our Terms and Conditions of Use.

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Return Policy

We strive to offer a hassle-free return policy. Customer satisfaction is our goal. Where ever possible, our policy is to provide prompt refunds and when you are not completely satisfied with your purchase simply return the merchandise to our store. In the majority of instances we are able to retrieve the record of the original sale without the sales receipt being presented. Our only requirement is that products should be unused and be in their original undamaged packaging with any informational material required to assemble or operate the product included. 

Refunds will be processed in the following manner;

  •      Cash if your purchase was made with cash.
  •      A credit to your debit card if your purchase was made with a debit card.
  •      A credit to your credit card if your purchase was made with a credit card.
  •      In-store credit if your purchase was made with a gift certificate.
  •      A credit to your Account Receivable if your purchase was charged to your house account.

For returns where we are unable to retrieve the original sale we reserve the right to ask for proof of purchase either by a copy of the original store receipt or a debit/credit card receipt:

Gift Certificates:

  • Lost or stolen gift certificates can only be replaced for the remaining balance.

We are however, unable to provide refunds for defective merchandise covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. This is beyond our authority and will be handled according to the manufacturer’s policies. Repairs not covered under warranty are the responsibility of the customer.

New Power Hand Tools and OPE (Outdoor Power Equipment) merchandise (including but not limited to, Drills, Saws, Sanders, Mowers, Chain Saws, Snow Blowers, Generators, Pressure Washers, Trimmers and Blowers) purchased at our store may be returned within 30 days of the date of purchase, with the original receipt. We will refund the purchase price based on the original method of payment. The product must be unused and unopened in order for the customer to receive a refund.

Used Power Hand Tools and OPE (Outdoor Power Equipment) Merchandise are not eligible for returns. This merchandise is subject to the manufacturer's warranty.

Custom products:

Any product that has been cut or mixed cannot be returned. Any custom ordered products like doors, windows or steel roofing/siding cannot be returned.